Friday, May 17, 2013

What's the BUZZ?

This week in first grade, we continued studying insects and focused on, it is only fitting that at my house this week we had the BIGGEST, SCARIEST, GROSSEST (LOL) bee I had EVER seen!!! Luckily,  Mr. Spouse was home and saved us from from DANGER!!!!  However, with that being said, the MONSTER BEE made a FABULOUS show and tell for our BEE week discussion...the students were ECSTATIC to see it up close!!!

We began, as always, reading a variety of nonfiction texts to gather as much information as we could about bees.  We compliled all of the information on a BEE anchor chart...and the students used the chart to take notes, and eventually completed an informational piece of writing about bees...

Now, one of our FAVORITE things about studying bees is the fact that bees make honey, and no unit of study about bees could be complete with out a HONEY TASTE, I posed this questions to the students "How Do You Like Your Honey?"  The students were given samples of: honey grams, honey comb cereal, and pure honey to taste.  They then had to choose their FAVORITE, to which we created a bar-graph of the's a look:

Tasting the honey samples
Coloring in their choice of favorite honey sample
Class bar-graph results of honey samples
I also introduced the students to "Bill Nye the Science Guy" and had them view an episode on can find the link below...

Next up, LADYBUGS!!!

1 comment:

  1. See we think alike - bees and ants. Nylah loved the honey taste test, and I enjoyed the bee bulletin board.


Notes for the teacher!!!;)